ConsoleGameEngine Link to this heading


About Link to this heading

A simple game engine for the Linux / MacOS terminal. Using the NCurses api’s this simple game engine allows for building simple arcade sytle games.

Games Link to this heading

Asteroids Link to this heading

Asteroids is a space-themed multidirectional shooter arcade video game. The game uses the ← ↑ → ↓ buttons on the keyboard to control the ship movement. The spacebar fires bullets toward asteroids. Your current score and high score are both displayed on the top left corner.

Snake Link to this heading

Snake is a classic arcade game where a user navigates a virtual snake an attempt to each as much fruit as possible. The game uses the ← ↑ → ↓ buttons on the keyboard to control the snakes movement. The snake body grows with each piece of fruit that it eats. A user loses by navigating off the screen or eatting its own body. The project can be found here

Requirements Link to this heading

  • C++ 17 or higher
  • CMake
  • Mac or Linux Machine